Veterinary Surgery Research Topics
ARC was launched at the AVSTS Spring Meeting in Birmingham on 3rd April 2013.
Over a decade later, ARC stands as a clinical network of like-minded vets with the shared aim of working together to produce high-quality, multicentre clinical research of relevance to their day-to-day working lives.
If you have skills of experience that you think might help ARC achieve its stated aims, and wish to give your time, please contact us at
Ian Nicholson
Daniela Murgia
Ethical reviews are carried out by the RCVS Ethics Committee
ARC is open to anybody – When you join AVSTS, you will automatically be included in all ARC communications, including the mailing list for the promotion of research projects and clinical discussions.
Find out more about joining our veterinary community below.
We run a meeting-within-a-meeting at the annual AVSTS Spring and Autumn meetings where we:
Promote new and ongoing projects through the AVSTS meetings, AVSTS website and the ARC mailing list
Run our mailing list, where we encourage members to discuss clinical questions and cases
In truth, this can be more difficult than it sounds. Fortunately, there are a number of resources which can assist, including:
Another starting point is using the work of others who have already looked into the subject matter and reviewed all the literature for you. This can help to identify the hole that needs to be filled.
Here's how it works:
By the end of this process, you will need to fill out/provide:
Check back soon to see our recent studies
Please reach out to us at or click on the button to contact us